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Youth Making A Difference (YMAD)

YMAD is comprised of youth ages 11-22 who are interested in making their voices heard through community service and youth advocacy. The YMAD experience includes trainings, discussions, personal development and team building exercises, youth summits, recreational activities, snacks and fun.

YMAD works hard to make youth voices heard on public policy!

We hope you will join us as we advocate for youth issues, like substance-abuse prevention, education and youth violence. YMAD works with various agencies to provide beneficial feedback on their programs and services, affecting positive changes that benefit youth.

We are always looking for new youth leaders to help further the positive initiatives and goals of youth in Hillsborough County.

If you are passionate about making a positive change in your community, or in the world as a whole, please contact us so you can get involved today!

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Youth Resources

Title Category Desription
2014 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey All Drug Information, Data Sheets, Parents, Youth

This survey outlines current youth substance abuse rates for the entire state of Florida. It also draws the comparison between state-level data and Hillsborough County.

Above the Influence Youth
Ask, Listen, Learn Alcohol, Infographics, Parents, Professional, Programs Educational Material, Youth

Ask, Listen, Learn: Kids and Alcohol Don’t Mix empowers kids to say “YES” to a healthy lifestyle and “NO” to underage drinking.

The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility (Responsibility.org), a national not-for-profit dedicated to fighting drunk driving and underage drinking, developed Ask, Listen, Learn alongside a team of educators and organizations specializing in middle school-aged students. This multimedia program continues Responsibility.org’s longstanding commitment to American youth, and provides kids with the necessary tools to make healthy lifestyle choices while also teaching them about the dangers of underage drinking.

Ask, Listen, Learn provides youth ages 9-12, their parents and educators with information about the dangers of underage drinking. In 2016, Ask, Listen, Learn launched science-based digital resources – including seven animated videos and lesson plans – that take kids on a journey through the developing brain, teaching them what the brain does, what alcohol does to it, and what that does to you. Teachers and parents can now feel equipped with the facts and tools to have a substantive and powerful conversation about the dangers of underage drinking.

Florida Alliance for Drug Endangered Children Professional, Programs Educational Material, Youth

At National DEC, we believe the best way to address the needs of drug endangered children is a coordinated approach that puts kids’ needs first.
We are proud to work alongside law enforcement, prosecutors, social services, medical personnel, treatment providers, prevention experts, probation and corrections, first responders, and many more. We believe that all of the professionals who have the opportunity to save a child from neglect and abuse should be trained to work collaboratively. With support from individuals, corporate partners, foundations, and governmental agencies, National DEC provides program assistance to communities all across the nation.

NIAAA College Drinking Prevention Youth
NIDA – Marijuana: Facts for Teens Marijuana, Youth

Answers teens’ most frequently asked questions about drugs and abuse with scientific facts and engaging images.

NIDA- Teens All Drug Information, Youth

  The Science behind Drug Use.

Nope Hillsborough Parents, Programs Educational Material, Rx Drug, Youth

The NOPE, Narcotics Overdose Prevention and Education, Task Force is a 501-c3 nonprofit organization that was formed in Palm Beach County, Florida in 2004. Comprised of community leaders and concerned families working diligently to save lives of those effected by substance abuse, the Hillsborough Chapter was established in 2011.

Powerful presentations for students and parents.  Approved by Hillsbourgh County School system.

Street Smart Prevention Just Think Twice Youth
Street Smart Prevention- Promoting Young Healthy People All Drug Information, Parents, Youth

Excellent information... on addiction, currents trends, what to look for... RESOUCES. 

TeenSafe Other Resources, Parents, Youth

Parenting Guide To Tech Safety

THE "X" Plan All Drug Information, Parents, Programs Educational Material, Youth "X-Plan" Gives Kids A Way Out Of Dangerous Situations

Texting one letter could help teens get away from peer pressure or danger.

The Cool Spot Youth
Youth Leadership Institute Youth

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