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Website Description Tags
HCADA- Vaping 2: Risks and dangers of vaping with Dr. Marilyn B.
Adderall Sister

Adderall Sister from drugdeadorg on Vimeo.

Adderall, Drug Information, Video
Alcohol and your Brain
DFAF- The Truth about Marijuana
Knock Out Opioid Abuse- Webinars

Partnership for Drug Free New Jersey - Webinars

Opioid, workshop
NIDA Public Education Videos

Excellent short educational videos.  Also, in Spanish.

November 2017: Opioid Crisis

It is estimated that 14 people die from an opioid drug overdose each and every day in our state, and Tampa Bay is ground zero for this deadly crisis. While Governor Rick Scott has declared a public health emergency and set aside millions of dollars to fight the opioid epidemic, is it enough? How did opioid addiction get so out of hand and what can be done about it?

HCADA Interview
Sobering UP

Information, infographics, videos on drunk driving, societies costs, alcohol addiction...

The Human Brain: Major Structures and Functions
Tutorial links for HCADA Training
Underaged Drinking Series
Webinar: What Can Localities Do About Alcohol Products That Are Attractive and Dangerous to Youth?
Video, Webinar, Alcohol, teens
What are the health risks of vaping?
NIDA, vaping

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