Website | Description | Tags | |
Get Smart About Drugs![]() |
Drug Information, Paraphernalia, Images, .... |
Drug Information, PARAPHERNALIA | |
Drug Paraphernalia ![]() |
Information on current drug paraphernalia |
PARAPHERNALIA, Drug Information | |
EyeDentifying Drug Abuse![]() |
When the following signs and symptoms are consistently identified, along with other health consequences like changes in hair, changes teeth, changes skin, changes mental health, and changes social habits, they can indicate problematic substance use. The person generally loses interest in life, stops setting goals and struggles with activities of daily living.
Drug Information | |
Adderall Sister |
Adderall Sister from drugdeadorg on Vimeo. |
Adderall, Drug Information, Video | |
Adderall Information![]() |
If you don’t really need to take it, Adderall side effects can be very serious, because it is technically an amphetamine, a dangerous type of drug for anyone to abuse. Amphetamines, like Adderall or Dexedrine are often taken as performance enhancing drugs. This type of drug causes physical side effects, like dilation, redness, and hallucinations. Chemically, amphetamine abuse can lead to a reduced ability for the eye to focus. Dilation is perhaps the most dangerous of these side effects, as it increases the risk for acute angle-closure glaucoma, a very serious eye emergency that can result in blurred or loss of vision. Although very rare, an overdose of Adderall can cause cardiac issues, stroke and death. The most common side effects people experience when abusing Adderall are not life-threatening. That said, there other side effects that are dangerous and demand immediate medical attention. Additional Information and Support Combining with alcohol can make for an especially dangerous mix. Stimulants mask the alcohol’s depressant effects, increasing the risk for alcohol overdose or poisoning. |
Adderall, Drug Information | |
Alcohol- Drug Information![]() |
Drug Information | ||
Cocaine![]() |
Impact on the eye: Cocaine is an eye anesthetic, meaning that when you take cocaine you may be unable to feel the damage that occurs to your eyes. Bumping, scratching, and even corneal ulcers can occur, causing pain, blurred visions and even scarring that can cause permanent vision loss. |
Drug Information | |
Ecstasy/Molly/MDMA![]() |
Printable information and paraphernalia More Information- seeking help |
Molly, MDMA, Ecstasy, Drug Information | |
Emerging Trends and Alerts- NIDA | Drug Information, Trends, PARAPHERNALIA | ||
Marijuana-Drug Information![]() |
Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indicaplant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds. |
Drug Information | |
Opioids-Drug Information![]() |
Opioids are a class of drugs naturally found in the opium poppy plant. Some prescription opioids are made from the plant directly, and others are made by scientists in labs using the same chemical structure. |
Drug Information |
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