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Other Resources

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Hillsborough County Resources

Local phone numbers for hospitals, county organizations, rehabilitation facilities, support groups, ....

FL Health Charts

Health charts, indicators, tool kits...

Governors Highway Safety Association

State Highway Safety Office Resources

GHSA provides a variety of resources to help State Highway Safety Offices (SHSOs) move closer to our shared goal of zero deaths on U.S. roadways. These include a variety of guidance documents, organizational information about all SHSOs, and examples of state program successes and innovative practices.

drugged driving
Hope Helps All

Our rescue assistance will be provided to reputable rescue groups as well as: The Elderly with companions, Veterans with companions and people that need assistance when there are no other options.  We will provide the elderly & veterans with food and vaccines for their animals. Rescue groups with facilitation of adoptions, fosters and funds for medical necessities.  Our primary goal is to help keep animals in their homes and out of shelters. Not everyone who surrenders their dog to a shelter is bad. Sometimes people just need a helping hand.  When you feel like you have run out of options there is always H.O.P.E.

Making Summer Safe
Mental Health First Aid- One Pager

Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8-hour training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

Mental Health
Special Needs Family Hour

Mission: To provide a place where special needs families can find the answers they need to be successful. Weekly radio show with a variety of information and resources for families with special needs members.  Podcasts are available for free... great information.

Special Needs
TeenSafe-Protecting Your Most Value Treasure

Parenting Guide To Tech Safety

Too Cool Traffic School
Driving School

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