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Drug Information, PARAPHERNALIA
2018 Florida Driving Impaired Survey

The results of this study provide the Florida DHSMV with a substantial amount of information about Florida residents’ perceptions of and behaviors related to impaired driving.

Florida, Impaired
Drug Paraphernalia

Information on current drug paraphernalia

PARAPHERNALIA, Drug Information
EyeDentifying Drug Abuse

When the following signs and symptoms are consistently  identified, along with  other health consequences like changes in hair, changes teeth, changes  skin, changes mental health, and changes social habits, they can indicate problematic substance use.   The person generally loses interest in life,  stops setting goals and struggles with activities of daily living. 


Drug Information
2014 Florida Youth Substance Abuse Survey

This survey outlines current youth substance abuse rates for the entire state of Florida. It also draws the comparison between state-level data and Hillsborough County.


This report provides a statewide and regional overview of substance abuse issues and trends in Florida. The information provided is from multiple sources available as of December 2017. Florida‘s 2017 population was estimated to be slightly more than 20,484,000 residents (20,363,867 when inmates are excluded)

Hillsborough, Indicator
Adderall Sister

Adderall Sister from drugdeadorg on Vimeo.

Adderall, Drug Information, Video
Adderall Information

adderall side effects

If you don’t really need to take it, Adderall side effects can be very serious, because it is technically an amphetamine, a dangerous type of drug for anyone to abuse.

Amphetamines, like Adderall or Dexedrine are often taken as performance enhancing drugs. This type of drug causes physical side effects, like dilation, redness, and hallucinations. Chemically, amphetamine abuse can lead to a reduced ability for the eye to focus. Dilation is perhaps the most dangerous of these side effects, as it increases the risk for acute angle-closure glaucoma, a very serious eye emergency that can result in blurred or loss of vision.

Although very rare, an overdose of Adderall can cause cardiac issues, stroke and death.

The most common side effects people experience when abusing Adderall are not life-threatening. That said, there other side effects that are dangerous and demand immediate medical attentionAdditional Information and Support

Combining with alcohol can make for an especially dangerous mix. Stimulants mask the alcohol’s depressant effects, increasing the risk for alcohol overdose or poisoning.

Adderall, Drug Information
Alcohol- Drug Information

Alcohol Effects on the Body

Data and Statistics- SAMHSA


Drug Information
All About Drugs- Cesar

Short-term & Long-term Effects, Health Implications, Symptoms, Poisons.... 


Impact on the eye:  Cocaine is an eye anesthetic, meaning that when you take cocaine you may be unable to feel the damage that occurs to your eyes. Bumping, scratching, and even corneal ulcers can occur, causing pain, blurred visions and even scarring that can cause permanent vision loss.

Drug Information
Drug Disposal Locator- National

Old prescriptions left unsecured in the home can often be an easy source for someone thinking about abusing prescription medications and can pose danger to pets or children who may accidentally ingest them. They can also be confusing for elderly people who may have multiple prescriptions.

Throwing old pills in the trash is often not the safest way to dispose of old medication and flushing may contaminate the water supply

So how do you dispose of old medication safely? 

Your community may have permanent drug disposal boxes at the following locations:

  • Police departments
  • Pharmacies, including independent and chains
  • Fire stations
  • Hospitals
  • Municipal buildings
Drug Disposal
Drug Screening Options Drug Screening

With both stimulant and hallucinogenic effects, MDMA enhances tactile sensations while producing feelings of increased energy and euphoria. For some people, it distorts the perception of time, enhances feelings of empathy, and stimulates sexual arousal.

Eyes- video youtube,    

Stages of MDMA

Printable information and paraphernalia   

More Information- seeking help

Molly, MDMA, Ecstasy, Drug Information
Effective Prevention Programs

Prevention Program
Emerging Trends and Alerts- NIDA Drug Information, Trends, PARAPHERNALIA
Florida- Impaired driving

Driving high is driving impaired. When you are under the influence and choose to drive, your decision can affect countless people. You can hurt yourself. You can hurt others. And a DUI arrest can lead to serious legal and monetary consequences.

drugged, Impaired, drugged driving
Keeping Your Teens Drug Free: A Family Guide

Discusses skills parents and caregivers can use to prevent illicit drug use among teens. Describes problems caused by marijuana, alcohol, and other substances; signs of drug use; and ways to enforce rules, give advice, and deal with teens caught using drugs.


Kratom is a tropical tree (Mitragyna speciosa) native to Southeast Asia, with leaves that contain compounds that can have psychoactive (mind-altering) effects. When kratom is taken in small amounts, users report increased energy, sociability, and alertness instead of sedation. However, kratom can also cause uncomfortable and sometimes dangerous side effects.

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