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Marijuana-Drug Information

Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and seeds from the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indicaplant. The plant contains the mind-altering chemical THC and other similar compounds.

Drug Information
NIDA Public Education Videos

Excellent short educational videos.  Also, in Spanish.

NIDA – Publications for Parents

Access a wealth of information and downloadable full-text publications for parents, on a range of topics, including addiction science, medical consequences, trends and statistics, and the link between drugs and HIV/AIDS.

NIDA- for Parents of Teens

NIDA for Parents of Teens.

NIDA- Teens

  The Science behind Drug Use.

Opioids-Drug Information

Opioids are a class of drugs naturally found in the opium poppy plant. Some prescription opioids are made from the plant directly, and others are made by scientists in labs using the same chemical structure.

Prescription Opioids



Drug Information
PARAPHERNALIA - Juul E-Cigarettes

“Juul is already a massive public-health disaster—and without dramatic action it’s going to get much, much, much worse.”
Winickoff believes that the vape industry is co-opting the national wellness trend—“when, in fact, vaping can cause something called bronchiolitis obliterans, or popcorn lung,” he said. Popcorn lung has been linked to diacetyl, an organic compound that some companies use in their e-liquid, and that has been detected as a by-product of e-cigarette vapor. But diacetyl has also been detected in cigarette smoke, at a level hundreds of times greater, and no feasible amount of smoking has been found to cause popcorn lung. (Juul does not use diacetyl in its liquid, and, in tests, the company has found no measurable amounts of diacetyl in the vapor emitted by its devices.)

Pediatricians recommend screening children for drug use starting at age 9

Young children are getting their hands on drugs more than ever before. It's becoming such a concern that the American Academy of Pediatrics is recommending children as young as nine be screened for substance abuse.

Drug Screening
Street Smart Prevention- Promoting Young Healthy People

Excellent information... on addiction, currents trends, what to look for... RESOUCES. 

THE "X" Plan

Texting one letter could help teens get away from peer pressure or danger.

Why is adolescence a critical time for preventing drug addiction?

Science of Addiction- National Institute of Drug Abuse  (beginning of information)

Early use of drugs increases a person’s chances of developing addiction. Remember, drugs change brains—and this can lead to addiction and other serious problems. So, preventing early use of drugs or alcohol may go a long way in reducing these risks. If we can prevent young people from experimenting with drugs, we can prevent drug addiction.

Prevention Program


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