Looks like candy but highly dangerous. |
Click on image for larger view |
Help the Hillsborough County Anti Drug Alliance (HCADA) make a difference in Tampa Bay! Do you envision, as we do, a community where youth and families are safe, healthy, and free of substance abuse and addiction? Do not hesitate to call if your family has any questions about drug abuse, if you suspect drug abuse or need any community resources.
Call us today for community resources or to get involved:
(813) 238-4034
OCTOBER 26, 10-2 Locations coming soon
How to dispose of all drugs alternative to TakeBack Day
The Opioid Epidemic Resource Center- Link to Center |
Vaping - Data Highlights Strong correlation between vaping nicotine and vaping marijuana:
Title and More Info | |
NOPE Journey to Healing... 10/12/2024 - 10:00am |
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
6100 Memorial Hwy
See map: Google Maps |
TAC Meeting- In Person 10/15/2024 - 3:00pm |
TPD District office #2
9330 N 30th St
See map: Google Maps |
HCADA Meetings 10/23/2024 - 1:00pm |
Children's Board
1002 E Palm Ave,
See map: Google Maps |
NOPE Journey to Healing... 11/09/2024 - 10:00am |
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
6100 Memorial Hwy
See map: Google Maps |
TAC Meeting- In Person 11/19/2024 - 3:00pm |
TPD District office #2
9330 N 30th St
See map: Google Maps |
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